Monday, April 27, 2009

Wrapping it all up...

Well here we are at the end of yet another semester...

and I guess I need to tie everything together.

I chose The Battered Women Shelter and International Justice Mission as my organizations because I have a heart for women who are abused. And both of these organizations minister to abused women, just on local and international levels.

Down the road...I could see myself working for either one of these organizations, I'd do it in a heartbeat b/c I cannot stand to see suffering of any kind, to one who doesn't deserve it.

Both groups reach out to the hurting, both groups jump in when others won't, both groups have made it their purpose to stand up for the hurting and hopeless. And I agree whole heartedly with what both organizations are doing. I want to do nothing more w/ my life than to say I helped make a difference. It doesn't matter to me how small a difference it is, but I want those in pain to know that someone cares enough to make it their career to stop the violence that has happened to them. Victims need to know that there are fighters out there, fighting for them when they're too weak to stand up for themselves.

That was my whole goal in choosing these two organizations, both deal w/ women as victims, in some very different ways, but they both have the same mission and goal, to stop the violence and take care of the victims.

Peace out.

Enjoy the sunshine.


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