Monday, April 27, 2009

Wrapping it all up...

Well here we are at the end of yet another semester...

and I guess I need to tie everything together.

I chose The Battered Women Shelter and International Justice Mission as my organizations because I have a heart for women who are abused. And both of these organizations minister to abused women, just on local and international levels.

Down the road...I could see myself working for either one of these organizations, I'd do it in a heartbeat b/c I cannot stand to see suffering of any kind, to one who doesn't deserve it.

Both groups reach out to the hurting, both groups jump in when others won't, both groups have made it their purpose to stand up for the hurting and hopeless. And I agree whole heartedly with what both organizations are doing. I want to do nothing more w/ my life than to say I helped make a difference. It doesn't matter to me how small a difference it is, but I want those in pain to know that someone cares enough to make it their career to stop the violence that has happened to them. Victims need to know that there are fighters out there, fighting for them when they're too weak to stand up for themselves.

That was my whole goal in choosing these two organizations, both deal w/ women as victims, in some very different ways, but they both have the same mission and goal, to stop the violence and take care of the victims.

Peace out.

Enjoy the sunshine.


Monday, April 20, 2009

More from IJM....

All of this was taken off of the International Justice Website that I had mentioned in a previous post...take a look at what they're doing and why they do their job!

Where does IJM work?
IJM currently has ongoing operations in Thailand, Cambodia, the Philippines, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Rwanda, Guatemala, Bolivia, Honduras, Peru and South Asia.IJM is headquartered in Washington, D.C., and is supported by affiliate offices in the U.K. and Canada

Does IJM take casework in the United States?
IJM does not take casework in the United State, due to its mission of making under-functioning public justice systems work for the poor in the developing world.Though injustice certainly exists in the United States, Americans (and citizens of other countries in the developed world) benefit from a mature legal system that generally provides effective redress for abuse. This is not the case for IJM’s clients in the developing world.

You are a faith based organization. What does that mean?
IJM does not take casework in the United State, due to its mission of making under-functioning public justice systems work for the poor in the developing world.Though injustice certainly exists in the United States, Americans (and citizens of other countries in the developed world) benefit from a mature legal system that generally provides effective redress for abuse. This is not the case for IJM’s clients in the developing world.

What happens to a victim after IJM intervenes in their case?
IJM partners with other local organizations and government agencies to ensure that the victims are provided with the care they need in the aftermath of abuse. Examples include:» Homes for girls rescued from commercial sexual exploitation when they are unable to return to their families;» Micro-enterprise opportunities for adults released from bonded slavery so that they can support themselves;» Post-trauma counseling for victims of sexual violence; and» Post-incarceration counseling for victims of illegal detention.

What We Do
IJM seeks to make public justice systems work for victims of abuse and oppression who urgently need the protection of the law.

Collaborative Casework Model
IJM investigators, lawyers and social workers intervene in individual cases of abuse in partnership with state and local authorities.

By pushing individual cases of abuse through the justice system from the investigative stage to the prosecutorial stage, IJM determines the specific source of corruption, lack of resources, or lack of good will in the system denying victims the protection of their legal systems. In collaboration with local authorities, IJM addresses these specific points of brokenness to meet the urgent needs of victims of injustice.

In all of its casework, IJM has a four-fold purpose:
1. Victim Relief
IJM’s first priority in its casework is immediate relief for the victim of the abuse being committed.
2. Perpetrator Accountability
IJM seeks to hold perpetrators accountable for their abuse in their local justice systems. Accountability changes the fear equation: When would-be perpetrators are rightly afraid of the consequences of their abuse, the vulnerable do not need to fear them.
3. Victim Aftercare
IJM aftercare staff and trusted local aftercare partners work to ensure that victims of oppression are equipped to rebuild their lives and respond to the complex emotional and physical needs that are often the result of abuse.
4. Structural Transformation
IJM seeks to prevent abuse from being committed against others at risk by strengthening the community factors and local judicial systems that will deter potential oppressors.

More from Battered Women's Shelter...

I have still been in contact w/ my local organization and the director gave me just a few facts along w/ a story that I wanted to post on here to share w/ all of you!


Staff: we have 50, we hire people with high school degrees all the way up to masters degree

Volunteers: we now have 40, they do everything from answering hotline calls to reading the kids bedtime planting flowers and cooking

Goal: well that would be the mission statement..............we would love to go out of business because there is no more family violence, but that will never happen, so on a smaller basis........I would guess we just want to help one family at a time stop or prevent family violence.

Targets: all victims of family violenceHelp........oh gosh yes, it helps a lot......let me connect a story for you to use.

With permission from the author, I would like to share a letter I received on Nov. 25, 2008:“My name is Ben See, and at the age of 6, (in 1981), I was a resident of the Akron Battered Women's shelter for around 2 months. I am now a grown adult, but still have vivid memories of the safe house. I remember all the women that were afraid to go outside in fear of their significant other finding them. I remember the women having hardly anything. I remember my mother coming to the safe house door with a load of dirty laundry, 2 children, and just the shirts on our backs. I remember food stamps, I remember government cheese, and I remember my mother not even having any personal feminine hygiene items, I remember the fear of the unknown as well. I am now a grown adult, with my own wife and new son. I am a software engineer as well as a Firefighter/EMT. Recently, I have taken some time to reflect on my own childhood. The Battered Women Shelter is burned into my mind. I remember the location, the house, where I slept, and some of the faces of the women. I remember as a child the holidays being the most difficult time. My mom had very limited funds and could not even get her children clothes let alone toys. I have been so fortunate in my life, and have grown into a man that respects women, and have been fortunate enough to climb the ladder out of where my mother, sister, and I came from. During this holiday season I would like to either donate money or items that the shelter needs. If there are children in the shelter that need some sort of toys, I am willing to do what I can for them. Just me typing this really brings up a lot of memories from my childhood, but it puts a smile on my face knowing that I can help those that are in a position that my family was in before.”

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

International Organization

Ok, Ok, I have been trying to narrow my international organization down. But I'm struggling to use just one, so if you see two...don't be confused :)
The two organizations that I'm looking at are International Justice Mission and Shared Hope International. I have mentioned both before in previous blogs and had at one point in time decided one over the other, but now I just keep going back and forth. Ha, both are perfect!
I am going to use International Justice Mission for the majority, but I might include some of Shared Hope International here and there.

First are some of the basics about International Justice Mission (IJM) can get all of this information off of their website ( b/c that's where I got all of it! :)

Who We are
International Justice Mission is a human rights agency that secures justice for victims of slavery, sexual exploitation, and other forms of violent oppression. IJM lawyers, investigators and after care professional works with local governments to ensure victim rescue, to prosecute perpetrators and to strengthen the community and civic factors that promote functioning public justice systems.

more to come soon....running out of time, whoops!
