Sunday, February 22, 2009

The other day my mom gave me an article to read. She does that from time to time...

Anyway, the article can be found in WORLD Magazine...the title of it is, 'Shame of the Cities'

The article introduced an organization that has a base in Toledo, as well as an international base.

The organization is Shared Hope International. If you care to look it up, the site is

Shared Hope International was founded by congress woman, Linda Smith. After spending years in Congress, she was on a trip to India, where she saw firsthand the child sex trafficking. She was so moved, that she along w/ other founded Shared Hope International. Their goal is to stop sex trafficking, among other things. But Linda Smith has a special position b/c she was at one time in a very powerful position as an American woman. W/ her hand in Congress, she has been able to use that resource to help fuel the progress of rescuing the victims of sex trafficking.

Shared Hope International is my international organization. As for my local organization, I chose the Battered Women's Shelter of Summit and Medina Counties.

This organization is helping those in the local community who are and have suffered from abuse.

"For families of violence, women, men and children who are in danger of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. The Battered Women's Shelter of Summit and Medina Counties provides emergency services and supportive services to victims seeking to end family violence.
Unlike other agencies that focus on victims of all types of crime, BWS is the only agency in Summit/Medina county that focuses on family violence, intervention and prevention." (

While these two organizations might not be connected personally, their goals and purpose are a match. They both care about the victims of abuse, specifically women abused sexually.

More to come later...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

just wanted to post real quick....

my international organization is: International Justice Mission

check out their

i'll introduce it better later...i just wanted to get this up on here...
hey there.

my name is emily. i'm a senior and may can't come soon enough.

i've got plenty to say...just not quite sure where to start...

i'm the oldest of five kids. 3 brothers and 1 sister.

i've been told that i'm intimidating.

and when i grow up, i wanna work for the fbi. but until then, i plan on working w/ juvenile delinquents.

when i think about women in global society...there are plenty of issues that come to mind. but the one that really sticks out to me is how women are victimized.

something that really bothers me is child prostitution. so i will be looking into the issue and the issues surrounding it and how it fits into being a woman in our global society.

that's all for now...
more soon
